Getting into Agribusiness


Agriculture has gone beyond what we used to know, it has always been a business and should be seen as one. There are many agribusinesses to venture into with little capital that will at the end yield good returns and help you expand in a long run.

In 1957, the word ‘Agribusiness’ was coined and defined by John Davis and Ray Goldberg as a business of agricultural production which involves the production, protection, sales and marketing of products to satisfy the customer’s needs. 

Agribusiness just as the name implies is the step taken to move your agricultural produce in a refined way to the market; production, processing and distribution. 

Why you should venture into agribusiness 

 Agribusiness has been termed one of the best businesses in the world because it’s about food. Due to the increasing population of the country, you’d see that there is need to produce more, process and distribute cause there are more mouths to be fed. People eat food everyday, food doesn’t go out of fashion, so why wouldn’t you like this kind of business? Think about it!!!

 Africa is already endowed with the good things of life, it is an already made market if you look at it closely. There’s a high and increasing demand of our agricultural produce from other countries where they turn them into finished goods and then send it back to us the original owners. Chai, hilarious right??? We spend billions of dollars importing flour, grains and lots more when it can easily be done here....We need to start utilizing what we have .

There is a major setback in starting a business that we all complain about and I believe that to be ‘Finance’. You see many business ideas being swept under the carpet because of that, but guess what???  Agribusiness is very scalable as it allows you to start whatever capital you have and then grow into something bigger.  Now we have what is called ‘Edible backyard farms’ that allows you to grow crops at your  backyard, even on your walls, WOW....My connect on LinkedIn , Edobong Akpabio can even guide you on how to go about it. 

 Aside the desire to create your own business and be the boss, you get to create jobs for other people and that’s what you get from agribusinesses. Awesome right?? As an agribusiness entrepreneur, there’s the opportunity of becoming a job creator, reducing the unemployment rate and contributing to the growth of your community and country at large. Despite the kind of agribusiness you pursue, there’s still a room for employing the services of other individuals, as you should know, agriculture is team work. 

Imagine you’re fish farmer and you want to go into packaging of dried/smoked fish, you’d need someone to help with smoking/drying the fish and when that is done, you’d need someone to help with packaging and you already have a friend that can construct/design a good pack for you, you’ve already created jobs for two (2) persons already. 

Agribusiness Ideas You May Want To Look Into

1. Poultry farming-Broilers; for meat

2. Poultry feed production 

3. Fresh vegetable business

4.  Fish farming e.g. catfish 

5.  Snail farming 

6.  Palm oil business

7.  Cassava processing (Garri)

8.  Honey business

9.  Plantain/ potato chips

10. Cassava farming 

I hope this article helps... Cheers!!!


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